2024 SURF征求建议书

The 2024 Summer Undergraduate 研究 Fellowship (SURF) program is now accepting 应用程序.  This program supports outstanding students from all academic majors participating in scholarly research projects or creative activities under the direction 教师导师.  研究员有机会:

  • 通过实践经验获得学术专业知识
  • 培养学术交流技能
  • 享受参与学者社区的乐趣
  • Contribute to the discovery of new knowledge or development of new perspectives

申请应通过Jag$POT提交.  确保完成捷豹$POT General Application for the current academic year then select Summer Undergraduate 选项中的研究奖学金.

Please read the detailed proposal guidelines by downloading the 征求建议书.  用这个开始你的提案准备 冲浪提案工作表.

导师应提交 导师协议表格, but do not need to submit a separate letter of recommendation.  推荐信 from a faculty member other than the mentor will be requested in JagSPOT. 


  • Application open in Jag$POT                          January 10
  • Application deadline                                       Feb 28 (Mentor agreements 及提交推荐信)
  • Award notifications                                         April 12
  • Student confirmation deadline                       April 19
  • Orientation Meeting                                       May 1
  • Program starts                                                May 20
  • 教授. 开发日(强制性)5月31日
  • 教授. 开发日(强制性)7月19日
  • Program ends                                                 July 26
  • Final Project submission                                August 27
  • 本科生研究研讨会10月24日                                                       


  • Current USA undergraduate students in any academic major at 南 Alabama
  • Applicants must be enrolled as an undergraduate in Fall 2024 (not graduating in August 2024)
  • 平均成绩不低于3分.0 is expected (some flexibility, but exceptions must be addressed 在导师推荐中)


  • First-year students may apply, but preference is given to students who have completed 在专业学习两年或两年以上.  奖项可以颁给真正杰出的人 一年级学生,如果有资金的话.
  • 学生 who have received a SURF award in the past may apply, but preference will be given to students who have not already participated in the program.  如果奖项 是否有,是否可以进行重复奖励.
  • A maximum of two students may receive a SURF award with the same faculty mentor.
  • SURF participants are generally expected to be present on campus, working with a 南 暑期项目的教员.  如果你的项目涉及到旅行,咨询一下 with the 本科生研究办公室 prior to applying.

Stipends of $2,500 are disbursed over 这个夏天 as fellows submit benchmark requirements.

  • 参加5月1日的入职培训
  • Participate in SURF one-day workshops twice during summer (mandatory)
  • Work on your project at least 20 hours per week through the 10-week program
  • 按时提交所需的程序基准文件
  • Present in the 本科生研究研讨会 on October 24


  • 我应该向谁要一封推荐信呢?

    Your letter of recommendation should come from a faculty member who is familiar with 你和你的能力,但是 来自你的导师.  Your mentor will describe your suitability for the project in 导师协议表格

  • Why does the application ask about how many hours of courses I plan to take during 这个夏天?  这会影响我的资格吗?

    We ask about your course load to make sure you are not taking too many hours to have 项目时间.  你不需要注册就有资格参加SURF.

  • 如果我即将毕业,我可以申请SURF吗?

    No, to be eligible for SURF funding, you must be enrolled as an undergraduate through 2024年秋季学期.

  • Can I participate in SURF if I am not on campus this summer?

    It's fine if your research can be conducted remotely as long as your mentor agrees, but you must at least be on campus for the mandatory professional development days 夏天两次.


If you have questions about finding a mentor, eligibility, expectations, or writing the proposal, contact the 本科生研究办公室 at undergradresearch@cqhmmg.com.